What is “It’s Up to Me/Us”?

App State’s It’s Up to Me/Us campaign encourages students to never hesitate to call the police if they need help to defuse a situation. Any situation that threatens physical harm to yourself or someone else should be assessed carefully.

It’s Up to Me/Us emphasizes four primary messages:

  • Be aware
  • Ask and listen
  • Have a plan
  • Say something
Be Aware
  • Your phone is a great tool to help keep you safe, but make sure you rely on other resources as well – consistent communication with close friends is important.
  • If you are staying in a hotel, text yourself and/or a trusted person the hotel address and your room number upon check-in to keep the info handy in case you forget it.
  • If you think you are being followed, drive to an open police or fire station or a well-lit, public place.
  • If you choose to drink alcohol:
    • Drink or sip slowly and alternate with water.
    • Avoid shots or chugging.
    • Use a sober, designated driver.
    • Prepare or open your own drink and don't leave it unattended at any time.
    • Keep count: 0 (under 21 or driving), 1 (standard drink per hour), 3 (the limit for low-risk drinking)
  • Seek help if you or someone you know has signs of alcohol poisoning: unresponsive, pale/blue/cold/clammy skin, shallow or irregular breathing.
  • Criminals target persons who look distracted, intoxicated or uncertain... so:
    • Be aware of your surroundings; don’t be distracted.
    • Walk with a purpose – head up, strong strides and look confident!
    • Have your keys in your hand to reduce time standing in front of your car, room or building.
    • Look around at all times to be aware of who may be in front of you or behind you.
    • If you feel something isn’t right, cross the street and go to a public area.
Ask and Listen
  • Be respectful of yourself and others. Make sure any sexual act is OK with your partner if you initiate. Consent is always mutually required.
  • Remember: people who are drunk or otherwise impaired are not capable of consenting to sex.
Have a Plan
  • Always tell at least one trusted friend or loved one where you're going and when you expect to come back.
  • Use the buddy system - take a close friend when you go out at night or to a party or club, and don't leave without that person, and don’t let them leave without you.
  • Don't go anywhere with someone you've just met.
  • If you are attacked on the street, make as much noise as possible by calling for help or blowing a whistle. Yell – “FIRE”, “POLICE” anything to get people to pay attention to you. Never pursue your attacker. Call 911 and report the crime as soon as possible.
Say Something

Active bystanders make a difference. Intervening is not always easy, but it can stop a bad situation and even save a life. If you're in a situation where you see something happening that doesn’t seem right, you can:

  • Distract the people involved, or take one person aside and distract him/her.
  • Track down a friend of one of the people and have that person check on his/ her friend.
  • Knock - or open the door. Ask if everything's cool. Interrupting an OK scene is better than ignoring an act of violence.